Phone Numbers

One of the most common reasons users visit websites is to find contact information such as phone numbers.

It is common practice to include the phone number of your business in your website.  It should be on every page if you want your users to call.

Contact Us links are most commonly found at the top-right hand corner of websites. This is also a good position for the telephone number as users expect to find this type of information there.

It is worth remembering that not all your website users are people, therefore it is important that the phone number is coded in such a way as to be easily understood by search engines.  This coding evolves, so consult us for the latest techniques.

NB: Some users install plugins in their browsers (e.g. Skype Click-to-Call) which convert phone numbers into a button or other link.  While this does change the look of your page, remember that the user installed this plugin, is probably using it to make calls, and expects phone numbers in websites to look like this.