Document Download

Link to documents from the library for users to download.

Adding the feature

Features Management 01

  1. Enter Site Mode by clicking the "Site" tab.
  2. Click the Features button in the toolbar.
  3. Click the "Left" or "Right" location tab to choose the side of the page that the feature will appear.
  4. Click the "Add Feature" button then select the "Downloads" feature from the list of features.
  5. Click "Continue".

Adding documents to the feature

Download Link 01

  1. In the feature's properties (Edit Feature), click the "Add Document" button. This will take you to a page where you will select documents.
  2. In the drop-down menu that appears, select a category of documents from the document library.
  3. For each document you wish to add to the feature, tick the "Add" checkbox next to each document.
  4. Click "Add Ticked Documents".

Download Link 02

The result is a list of downloadable documents that can be found on the left/right column of the website. These simply can be clicked to download.

Removing documents from the feature

Download Link 03

  1. Go back into the feature's properties by clicking the Page Features button in the toolbar.
  2. Find the feature under its respective location tab (Left/Right).
  3. Click the "Edit Feature" button (pencil and paper icon) next to the Document Download feature listed.
  4. For all the documents you wish to delete, tick the "Delete" checkbox by each document's name.
  5. Click the "Update" button below the list of documents. All files set to delete will disappear from the list.