Wholething Content Management System

How to use the Wholething Content Management System

  • Getting Started
    Getting Started with Wholething CMS
    Instructions for users new to Wholething Content Management System.
  • The Interface
    The Interface
    To edit your website with the Wholething CMS you should first familiarise yourself with the user interface (UI).
  • Site Management
    Site Management
    Everything to do with pages in your website. Creating, removing, editing, adding features, and much more.
  • Page Essentials
    Page Essentials
    Everything you need to know to properly create a page: properties, content, versions and features.
  • Features Library
    Features Library
    Features are items that can appear on several pages, but not on every page. Indexing, internal and external links, voting, booking, and lots more.
  • Image Library
    Image Library
    The Image Library allows easy management of images which can be assigned to multiple categories.
  • Document Library
    Document Library
    Categorise and store downloadable documents.
  • Link Library
    Link Library
    Manage links to external web sites.
  • User Management
    User Management
    Multi-tiered user management.
  • Admin
    CMS Adminstration
    The CMS administration control panel allows developers full control of the content management system.
  • Troubleshooting