SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

Best practise for optimising your website's findability.

  • Google
    Google analytics, Google webmaster tools, how to use them to your benefit.
  • Web page headings and SEO
    How to use web page headings to improve Search Engine Optimisation
  • What is Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)
    Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a broad range of methods and techniques aimed at improving the likelihood of users finding a website or the content within it.
  • Duplicate content
    Ensure that your pages compliment each other, not compete with each other.
  • Images
    Best practice for optimising your images for SEO
  • Rich snippets - occasionally very useful
    Microdata is HTML code that lets search engines understand data in your pages, resulting in improved SERP appearance - i.e. rich snippets.